Monday, January 31, 2011

Retro Releases - Week of 1/31/11

These are the upcoming retro releases for the week:

Nintendo Virtual Console:
No new releases.

Playstation Network:

Samurai Shodown (Arcade, 1993)
Samurai Shodown is now available for download on PSP. This classic 2D fighting game allows you to choose from 12 different characters, and places a heavy emphasis on quick, weapons-based attacks rather than overly-complicated button combos. You can download Samurai Shodown in the NeoGeo Arcade for $6.99. You can also find the original Samurai Shodown as a part of Samurai Shodown Anthology for Wii, PSP, and Playstation 2. 

Mega Man 2 (Playstation - Japan Only, 1999)

Mega Man 2 (originally for the NES) was ported to the PSX in Japan around 1999. It's now available for download as a Japan PSOne Classic for $5.99. This specific port of Mega Man can also be found as a part of the Mega Man Anniversary Collection, which is available on the original Xbox, Gamecube, or Playstation 2.

Xbox Live Arcade
No new releases.

Also of interest this week for retro gamers is Pac-Man Championship Edition. Though it's not an older game (having been initially developed in 2007) it's a great addition to a classic franchise. It's available on the Playstation Network for $4.99 today.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Awesome Retro Finds of the Week 02: Rewind

While I got pretty lucky at the thrift stores the past two weeks, this week was not successful at all! I found a few retro items, like an NES Advantage controller for $4, and some old Genesis sports titles, but ultimately passed on all of these. With the poor weather lately, it's been harder to get out to anywhere further than in my local area. I can't wait until winter passes and it's yard sale season again!

So since I don't have anything for this week, I'll post some finds from a couple of weeks ago, before I launched this blog.

A few weeks ago, I went to a new thrift store for the first time. I found a few items there, lots of game accessories, controllers, a Nintendo Zapper, and some PC games. There were a bunch of original Xbox games but they were still a bit too much (about $7 apiece) to pick up at this time.

I also found a copy of Tekken 3 for Playstation, but it was really horribly scratched up, so I passed. Tekken 3 is an extremely common PSX title, and is always very, very cheap. I'll pick it up sometime in the future.

There were several original Game Boy games, but they were all titles I had zero interest in. Things like the Olsen Twins and Rugrats. I may be a retro gamer, but I'm not a completist: if I have zero desire to play the game, you probably won't see it on this site. (Which is why sports games will also be rare; aside from my lack of interest, they're generally outdated due to real-life roster changes and there's not a lot of demand from retro gamers to play a 10-year-old sports title.)

I wound up picking up the following:

Street Fighter Alpha 3 is probably my most favorite Street Fighter game ever. I bought it for a whopping $2. Sadly, like Tekken 3, the game suffers from terrible scratches all over the back. Unlike Tekken 3, this game isn't nearly as common a find, and I just couldn't pass it up, scratches and all. I got it resurfaced at a local independent game store, but I haven't tried it out yet.

Taz-Mania was $3, Quackshot was $2.

Hopefully this upcoming week is a little better! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Sonic Snuggie

It's been a cold and terrible winter up here in New England, with our third big storm this month coming up over the next couple of days. Most of the country seems to be in a similar predicament, as just a couple of weeks ago, 49 out of the 50 states had snow on the ground.

Every morning after a big storm, our condo building requires that we vacate the parking lot for a couple of hours to allow the plows to do their job. The last time this happened, my boyfriend and I decided to kill some time at the mall. Now, when it's this cold outside, I don't want to be at the mall. I want to be curled up on the couch, sipping hot coffee, cuddled under a warm, cozy blanket. Comfy and fuzzy blankets are in my list of top ten favorite things, after all.  

So imagine my delight when my boyfriend pointed out this cool item! Perfect for a snowy winter day, it was a Sonic the Hedgehog fleece blanket.

I picked up the box to check the price. Upon doing this, I suddenly realized: this wasn't a blanket at all. No, a blanket would have been way too awesome. And this item was the exact opposite of awesome. Because... it... was... THIS!!!

I was going to model it myself, but I was too embarrassed don't have
a good digital camera.

I bought it immediately, naturally.

There's something ironic about Sonic, the "fastest thing alive", being plastered all over a Snuggie, arguably the "laziest thing alive". Sometimes it surprises me where I find licensed video game properties. As for this imitation Snuggie (or as the box calls it, "cozy blanket with sleeves") it's made of a soft fleece and is more than long enough to cover your legs. Just like with the original Snuggie, I find the sleeves to be cumbersome and the lack of any fasteners on the back make it impossible to move around (contrary to what the Snuggie commercials suggest.)

Out of curiosity, I looked online to see what other retro video game-related blankets with sleeves were on the market. Here are four more that I found: 

It's a Snug-gie! Mario! If Sonic has one, you know Mario had to have one too! His was probably first, actually. And I think the fabric may be better quality. And no matter how many times you wash the thing, it really stands the test of time. Also, it doesn't turn into a were-hog at night.

Pac-Man! I actually really love this one, it's so retro-looking!

Street Fighter IV! Not a retro game, but definitely a retro franchise! Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li are all here. And look, the guy on the box is probably playing Street Fighter IV right now! He's smiling to himself because he knows how stylish he looks while he's doing it.

    Kingdom Hearts! Wait... not retro whatsoever. Errr....

So I know what you're dying to know: Where can I get one of these awesome, backwards robes? The answer is... well, I don't know. I got my Sonic Snuggie at F.Y.E. where it was on clearance. They also had the Kingdom Hearts one in stock, but both seemed to be on the way out. I've heard reports that you can find these in Hot Topic as well, though I didn't see any the last time I was in. A quick Google search seems to link most finds back to eBay, for waaaaaay more than you should be paying for these. I'd recommend doing your own search, as they seem to be popping up in random web-based stores as well.

Stay warm this winter, everybody!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom

Once upon a time, I was thumbing through a game magazine, when a picture of a crying tomato-esque baby caught my eye. Another picture beside it showed an angry pepper-headed man. What was this? I wondered. I read the title: Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom. As a kid, that was so delightfully bizarre to me. I had to play this game!

"Oh God! Does anyone have any peanut butter?"

Unfortunately, Princess Tomato must not have been very popular, because I never saw it in a store. Of course, I was seven at the time so I didn't get out to the gaming shops very often. My mom did take me to our local video store every weekend to rent NES and Genesis games, but Princess Tomato was not on the shelf.

So fast-forward 19 years later: I came home from work and, bored, I decided to play a video game. Nothing on my shelf looked too appealing, so I decided to browse through Wii's Virtual Console service. Maybe they've finally released Final Fantasy VI, I thought. Well, as of this entry, that still hasn't happened, but wait! Imagine my surprise when I saw Princess Tomato in the New Additions section! At $5, there was no hesitation. I promptly purchased it and spent the rest of my evening playing it.

The first thing I learned: the baby tomato? It's actually a persimmon fruit. Percy the Persimmon to be exact. Well color me red, because I didn't even know what a persimmon fruit was until I Googled it just now.

A persimmon, apparently.

Moving on...

The premise of this game is that you take the role of the noble Sir Cucumber, a traveling knight, who has been promised the beautiful Princess Tomato's hand in marriage - if you can rescue her from the evil traitor, Minister Pumpkin, that is. This is the final request of King Broccoli (Tomato's father) before he passes away from the grief of it all.

Don't let the beetles get you!

So I guess I'll stop right there: How does a broccoli have a tomato as a daughter? The answer is: I have no freaking clue. I think "Princess Broccolini" would be more appropriate. But hey, if you think that's strange, look at this picture:

Who is this random human woman? Why, that's none other than Lisa, Tomato's sister and Broccoli's OTHER daughter, obviously! Why is she a human and Tomato is a, um, tomato? Well, we never really solve that mystery. Maybe they're both adopted? I hope Lisa is strictly carnivorous. Anyway...

The game play itself works sort of like a text adventure. You have a set menu of commands that you can use to investigate each scene. You'll look for clues, collect items, and speak with other vege-citizans to figure out where Minister Pumpkin hid the Princess. On the way, you'll flirt with a pretty eggplant, free some lettuces from wicked "Farmies", and escape from a couple of other tight pickles you'll find yourself in. (Get it? 'Cause it's Sir Cucumber, and he's in a pickle, and..... oh, nevermind.)

So many anthropomorphic vegetables, and not one ounce of educational value.

The game thankfully utilizes a password save system, which means no hard work down the toilet, and no accidentally erasing a save file because you forgot to hit START and RESET at the same time. (I once accidentally erased a friend's Legend of Zelda game that she had been working on for, and I quote, "My entire life!" She was none too happy.)

There is no combat, per se, in the game. The few skirmishes take the form of "finger wars", a rock/paper/scissors mini-game. Most of the game is spent investigating areas and figuring out more pieces of the story, so if you're looking for something more action-packed, you probably want to skip this one. The game can also get frustrating as you sometimes have no idea what you're supposed to be doing to progress the story, and hitting random commands isn't always enough. There was one part of the game that involved exiting a screen twice before the correct action you needed had any effect. This can sometimes make the game tedious.

Combat = rock, paper, scissors.

Despite some of the shortcomings, the charm and appeal of the vegetable characters and their salad-y world, along with a fun story, definitely makes this worth the purchase. I can fairly say that it's a standout title in the NES library; I can't think of any other NES games quite like this one. It's definitely worth the $5 download, and if you ever come across it at a yard sale or a flea market, I'd pick this up because the cartridge has become somewhat difficult to find. I would attribute that to the niche appeal of the title paired with the fact that Princess Tomato wasn't released in the United States until 1991. NES was slowing down in the wake of the Genesis, and Nintendo was preparing to launch its new system, the Super Nintendo. It's great that Nintendo chose to re-release this little-known gem on the Virtual Console. Play it, enjoy it, and appreciate your vegetables a little more before you smother them in bacon ranch dressing and shove them down your gullet.      

Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom is currently available for the Virtual Console for 500 Wii Points ($5). It is also available used and new on for a variable price. 

Retro Releases - Week of 1/24/11

These are the upcoming retro releases for the week:

Nintendo Virtual Console:
1942 (Arcade, then ported all over the place, 1984)
1942 is a shooter set in the pacific during World War II. It not only ushered in Capcom as a gaming force to be reckoned with, it also led the way for numerous knock-offs and wannabes. But don't be fooled, 1942 was, at the time, the very best and is considered to be a true gaming classic today. It's available on the Virtual Console for 800 points. 1942 has been ported numerous time to various platforms, but can most recently be found in the Capcom Classics Collection for Playstation 2 and Xbox.

Black Tiger (Arcade, other miscellaneous ports, 1987)
Another, lesser-known Capcom title, Black Tiger is an action game with a focus on exploration. You go through two-dimensional levels, killing enemies and finding power-ups, coins, and other items, which you can then use to purchase upgrades for your character. Though it can also be found in the Capcom Classic Collection Vol. 2 for Playstation 2 and Xbox, you can buy it today on Virtual Console for 800 Wii points.

Playstation Network:
No retro releases this week.

Xbox Live Arcade:
No retro releases this week.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Awesome Retro Finds of the Week 01: Miniature Edition

Throughout the week, I go to various thrift stores looking for retro merchandise. There's even a thrift store on my way to work, which I stop in on an almost-daily basis. Every week I'll post a list of my finds. 

Now for today's thrifty tale: Last week, I found a copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PSX) for $2, only to bring it home and find that my PS2 no longer reads PSX discs. Disappointed, I decided that I'd keep my eyes open for an original PSX the next time I went out.

And what luck! I found this baby at my local Goodwill store:

This is a PSOne, the smaller, redesigned Playstation console. It's about half the size of an original Playstation, and comes in a sexy eggshell white color. I paid $8 for the console and $3 for the controller. The only downside is it didn't come with a power cord, so I'll have to purchase that separately. (Or at least hold out until I find one at a yard sale or something.)

They also got several retro games in, including many old NES games, but those were $4 apiece, cartridge only. I didn't feel it was worth the cost as none of the titles were really that interesting. I did get these two Genesis games though:

1993's X-Men was one of my favorite games as a kid, and probably one of the best X-Men video games in the franchise. Out of This World is a title I'm not familiar with, but after reading about it, it seems to have a cult following and excellent reviews. I look forward to playing it.

Both of these games were $4, and they were complete with the case and instructions. (Though no "special edition" fold-out poster for X-Men...)

I also got my very first Dreamcast game this week!

I just finished Sonic Colors for the Wii, which is actually a really excellent entry in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. I've had a hankering for a good old Sonic game, but it's really a craving that's difficult to sate; the majority of Sonic's 3D outings have been terrible. Sonic Adventure is one of the few exceptions, I've played it on Gamecube and I can't wait to try it out on the Dreamcast! 

The disappointing part about this post is that I have all these neat games, but nothing to play them on! My Genesis has mysteriously vanished (buried in storage from our last move, I suspect), I don't even own a Dreamcast, and now I have a non-working PSOne! Luckily, my boyfriend retrieved his old, original, non-fancy-schmancy Playstation from his old house, which seems to work just fine! It may not be as cute, but it gets the job done! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Retro Releases - Week of 1/17/11

Each week I'll post any new retro releases available via each of the "Big 3"'s download service.

Nintendo Virtual Console:
No retro releases this week.

Sony Playstation Network:
Metal Slug X (Arcade, Neo Geo, & Playstation, 1999)

Metal Slug X is an enhanced version of Metal Slug 2. Metal Slug X was originally a 1999 arcade game, and was then ported to the Neo Geo and Playstation home consoles. This "run and gun" shooter is now available on PSN for $5.99. Metal Slug X can also be found as part of the Metal Slug Anthology, currently out for Playstation Portable, Wii, and Playstation 2.

Mega Man (Japan Only - Playstation, 1999)

Mega Man (originally for the NES) was ported to the PSX in Japan around 1999. It's now available for download as a Japan PSOne Classic for $5.99 ($3 with a Playstation Plus membership.) This specific port of Mega Man can also be found as a part of the Mega Man Anniversary Collection, which is available on the original Xbox, Gamecube, or Playstation 2.

Xbox Live Arcade:
No retro releases this week.


Welcome to Retro Awesome!, a blog dedicated to the games of yesteryear. (Or yester-decade.)

I decided to start this blog to discuss some of my favorite old-school games and incite warm, fuzzy feelings of nostalgia amongst myself and other gamers. Not only that, but this blog will also be one of discovery: there's nothing better than going back and discovering an awesome old gem of a game. I'll be playing some games that I missed, and will talk about those experiences too.

I'm sure there'll be more things to come as the blog develops, but as of right now, that's pretty much the basics: find retro games, play retro games, and talk about retro games.

I hope you enjoy my blog and GAME ON!